
Maintenance Guide for Electric Dental Chair Units

17 Mar, 2023

Electric dental chair units are essential pieces of equipment in any dental practice. Ensuring their proper maintenance not only extends their lifespan but also contributes to a hygienic and efficient clinical environment.

Regular maintenance minimizes breakdowns, enhances patient experience, and optimizes the functionality of these crucial dental tools. Here's a detailed guide to effectively maintaining electric dental chair units:

Daily Cleaning and Inspection

The daily cleaning and inspection is an important task to ensure the normal working of the dental chair unit.

●Surface Cleaning

Use a mild disinfectant to wipe down the surfaces of the chair, foot control, and armrests after each patient.

Follow manufacturer guidelines for approved cleaning agents to avoid damage to the chair's surfaces.

●Visual Inspection

Check for any visible signs of wear, tear, or damage, such as cracks in the upholstery, loose screws, or frayed cables.

Ensure all moving parts, including hinges and levers, are functioning smoothly without any resistance.

Weekly Maintenance

Weekly maintenance is also necessary.


Apply manufacturer-recommended lubricants to movable parts like hinges, swivel joints, and hydraulic components to prevent friction and maintain smooth operation.

Avoid over-lubrication, as excess lubricant can attract dust and debris, leading to potential issues.

●Examination of Electrical Components

Inspect power cords and connections for any signs of wear, exposed wires, or fraying.

Test the functionality of foot controls, switches, and motors to ensure they respond promptly and smoothly.

dental chair

Dental Chair

Monthly Check-Ups

After the regular cleaning and maintenance, you should also check monthly.

●Hydraulic System Inspection

Check hydraulic fluid levels and top up if necessary, following the manufacturer's guidelines.

Inspect hydraulic hoses for leaks or signs of damage, and replace them immediately if any issues are detected.

●Calibration and Alignment

Ensure the chair's movements, including reclining, ascending, and descending functions, are properly calibrated and aligned.

Contact a qualified technician for adjustment if there's any deviation from the intended movements or misalignment.

Annual Professional Servicing

The annual professional checking is important. The specialist can check the machine and replace the damaged part to ensure the precision of the dental chair unit.

●Comprehensive Inspection

Schedule an annual service by a certified technician to conduct a thorough examination of all components, both mechanical and electrical.

Address any worn-out parts, perform necessary replacements, and recalibrate the chair to maintain its optimal performance.

●Upholstery Replacement

Consider replacing the chair's upholstery periodically to maintain a hygienic environment and prevent the buildup of bacteria or damage due to wear and tear.


equipment dental

Equipment Dental

General Tips for Maintenance

To make the proper maintenance, you also should take some measures to record the maintenance.


Maintain a detailed log of maintenance activities, including dates of servicing, parts replaced, and any issues encountered.

Keep records of the chair's warranties, manuals, and service history for reference.

●Training and Education

Train staff members on proper chair usage, cleaning procedures, and basic troubleshooting to prevent misuse and ensure consistent care.


Regular maintenance of electric dental chair units is crucial for the smooth operation of a dental practice. By following this maintenance guide, practitioners can minimize disruptions, ensure patient comfort, and prolong the lifespan of these essential pieces of equipment. Remember, adhering to manufacturer guidelines and seeking professional assistance when needed is key to effective maintenance.

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